public reports
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 The Cas. Good granular spring snow
|  The Lady. Bumps over to the east wall side.
 Lower Ciste Gully. Crunchy spring snow with some bumps
|  Upper Ciste Gully. The following four trips down I had it to myself !
 Ciste tow with busy Top Bowl behind
|  M2 becoming rocky in places but still a good run
 Fiacaill Ridge Poma run. Complete but requires a bit of route planning to avoid the bare parts
|  Stream in the upper Cas
 Gunbarrel, wide and surprisingly bump free at 5pm.
|  Lower slopes, soft with bare patches but still offering a complete route to the carpark
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:: Snow Cover
Most Terrain has Good Cover.
:: Surface Conditions (out of 5)
:: Weather Conditions
Misty above the Cas, very little wind, temperature several degrees above freezing. At a guess around 7C at carpark, 4C at ptarmigan.
:: Snow Conditions & Info
All areas were thawing. The snow off piste was sticky and heavy, however on piste it was fast and spring like with a granular texture.
Ciste Gully was the highlight for me and had the advantage that nobody seemed to be going down it so there were no queues for the West Wall poma. I found traversing out on the shoulder above the sign for the 'Easier route' was best, as the lower route had some heather showing.
The M2 is becoming thin in places but was still
worth doing as you were instantly onto the WWpoma.
The Top bowl has good cover and was busy with classes until 3pm.
The Lady was in good shape with some small bumps but the M1 poma was pretty busy,4 rows when I went up just before 2pm so I stayed lapping the Ciste Gully until the back of 4pm and by that time it was quiet.
The Cas is still wide below the top section but here a stream has broken through,so heading off to the Traverse side of the tow was the route to take.
The Fiacaill Ridge poma run is still complete although you do have to negotiate around the rocks. There were minimal queues for the lift and it ran till just after 5pm.
The lower slopes are patchy in places but you can ski to the car park without much difficulty.
Thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon
:: Riders
This report was posted by h11lly at 19.45hrs on Tue 17th Feb 09