pix from the slopes // glencoe
Glencoe // Friday 24th February 2017
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Weather closing in at the end of play, just about snowing to base and fairly heavy at top of the Access at close.

Very bottom of the Plateau Poma is a bit agricultural but better from the 2nd tower up. All Plateau Runs skiable today.

Looking down to the Coire Pollach from what will form a link to the Low Road from the proposed Plateau Chair.

Looking up to the corner of Mugs Alley. Fair bit of drifting into here this afternoon, but not nice to ski in flat light as a result!

Top leg of Mugs Alley was beginning to catch snow this afternoon. All we can do is hope for a net gain not loss tonight!

Snowing fairly steadily from mid afternoon. This is the SSC Hut at the top of the Cliffhanger.

Happy Valley towards the narrows. Mix of deep drifts and pretty bare areas, snow starting to drift in from beyond Etive Glades.

Upper Main Basin was skiable and would have been quite nice but for the ground drifting meaning you could't see the drifts!

Reached the top to sort the Summit Webcam which is back online. Wind was picking up steadily on the skin up and snow starting to move around.

The outside of the Old Mugs Alley fence has a nice groomed line.

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Glencoe was back up and running on Friday, though uplift was limited to the Plateau area. All Plateau level runs are skiable, though the cover is thin and largely baseless on the Plateau, the snow fell in light winds so there hasn't been much drifting at this level.

However the wind was picking up through the afternoon and snow was starting to move around further up the mountain. It was blowing from around the side of Etive Glades towards Happy Valley and the Main Basin - the upper tow track fence beginning to catch a fair bit.

Having skined up a combination of Etive Glades and Happy Valley there is significant drifts but also areas with very little. On the way down the very top of the Main Basin and uptracks is scoured, but the Main Basin is skiable from just below the top tower, then out into Happy Valley above the Haggis Trap. This has a reasonable depth beginning to build and the top half of the Main Basin would have been an alright ski if the light hadn't gone flat and the ground drifting hiding the bumps and drifts!

If more drifts in tonight before the temperature rises and not to much is subsequently lost before the temperature drops again during Saturday then we could finally have the beginnings of a base on the upper slopes.

Very stormy later tonight into Saturday morning, then wind should moderate quite abruptly late morning to lunch time from around 60 to 80mph to around 20 gusting 30mph. We will however just have to wait and see what the weather does overnight!
Pix from the Slopes for the 2017 Season

CairnGorm Mountain

Nevis Range


The Lecht

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