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Beginner lesson outside the Plateau Cafe - convenient for a hot chocolate!
Working on the Main Basin uptrack outside the Rescue Station, but a bit more snow is required.
First time on the new Coire Pollach Tow on it's debut day.
Keith from Ski Patrol getting some mellow freshies by the Coire Pollach Tow.
Turned into a nice afternoon, but snow falling this evening should freshen things up a bit more for Wednesday.
Looking up Meall a' Bhuiridh at the end of the day. Cover is thin, but surface conditions easy going.
Old Mugs Alley from the new Coire Pollach Tow.
New Tow doing it's thing late on Tuesday afternoon.
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Opening day at Glencoe saw a pretty nice day with fairly bright overhead and virtually no wind. Uplift was limited to the Plateau area, with the Poma and the new Coire Pollach Tow running.
Cover was thin, but surface conditions on the groomers were lovely easy going machine packed fresh snow. Perfect for easing into the new season.
Staff were working further up the hill and snow was pushed around to get a complete link on the upper portion of Mugs Alley, so the Cliffhanger Chairlift is down to operate on Wednesday. This will only be suitable for more experienced skiers and boarders, despite the green grading of Mugs Alley.
A wee hoof over to the top of the Wall from the Cliffhanger is likely to be rewarded as the Wall itself seems to have caught quite a lot of snow, in contrast to the T-bar track that needs a change in wind direction and more snow.
If you are willing to do the leg work, most of the Main Basin can be skied, but reports from further up today was that Etive Glades has the most and best snow on the hill, so could well be worth a hike on Wednesday.
Wednesday looks like a decent day, small risk of a snow shower but bright or Sunny spells and light winds. Still doubt about Thursday, but looks like a decent fall of snow Wed evening into the night, possibly continuing into Thursday. See you on the slopes!