Hurricane Force 12 Southerly for many hours on the Summit of CairnGorm on Tuesday, thus a very different looking CairnGorm compared to Monday. Huge amounts of snow have moved around, what was some nice off piste on Monday is now scoured clear.
On the other hand areas like the Cas Gunbarrel, the West Wall and Ciste Gully have made big gains from the windblown snow. As yet no uplift this season in Coire na Ciste, certainly if the boardwalk was in place and the West Wall Chair operating there would be no question the Ciste Gully could be in play weather permitting.
Top Basin runs are in good shape and grooming up very well. Further down into Coire Cas the snow cover is more packed and the lower slopes are pretty firm with thin areas.
Big news on Thursday was that all lower tows in Coire Cas were operating, with the Carpark Tow and Fiacaill Ridge Poma providing alternative ways upt to mid-mountain level. Daylodge Poma is open for the Daylodge run.
Thanks to George and Graeme for Wednesday's photos. If you have been on the slopes please spare a few minutes to upload a short report and some photos to the
Public Reports.