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Mix of brighter spells and April snow showers. Plateau Poma uptrack still easy to ride.
Moody skies over Rannoch Moor from the top of the Cliffhanger Chair.
Looking down the Spring Run, great turns with windblown fresh snow.
Fresh snow blowing into the Main Basin.
Patrol at the top of Happy Valley. Windblown fresh and little traffic meant great turns.
Old Mugs Alley still has good cover off the Coire Pollach Tow for green terrain, but snow was sticky on the Plateau.
View back to the Spring Run from heading to the Low Road.
Beefy snow showers coming through frequently, Old Mugs Alley from outside the Plateau Cafe.
Looking up the Spring Run.
Laying some turns in the fresh in Ski Tow Gully.
The 3pm cord... Looking up the Main Basin from the Haggis Trap.
Looking down the Main Basin, wide and deep cover. Haggis Trap still flat.
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Cooler with clusters of heavy snow showers coming through during Wednesday, fairly dry snow blowing in to give excellent surface conditions on the upper mountain. Snow was softer and stickier around the Plateau and base of Mugs Alley, but that was starting to improve later.
Spring Run was fantastic early, did get a bit chopped up later, but was getting smoother again with fresh drifting in. Happy Valley was catching plenty of fresh and uniformly, with little traffic it was a blast with smooth fresh turns each run.
Rannoch Glades was a bit mixed today, Main Basin or Spring Run definitely the better choices. Flypaper was closed Wednesday and will be assessed again AM.
On the Plateau the Poma uptrack is level and still as easy to ride as it gets, but the run is broken at the top. It can be lapped by unloading at the gap in the fence 2/3rds of the way up, but Old Mugs Alley from the Coire Pollach Tow is in much better shape for green terrain.
Return to the Access Chair is easiest via the Low Road with a few metres of grass skiing, it is possible to return on snow via Old Mugs Alley and the Access Return. If temperatures drop further tonight it may be possible to tidy up the Plateau runs in the morning.