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Still no way under the snow chocked underpass, access by the old direct route.
| May bumps on the wide White Lady.
Soft bumps, fun spring sport on the White Lady for advanced riders.
| Access to the White Lady proper by the old route that used to run under the chairlift.
Looking down the Coire Cas Gunbarrel, good fun in the bumps.
| Looking out to Loch Morlich from the M1 Queuing area.
Ptarmigan Tow on Sunday afternoon, still huge amount of snow either side.
| Skiers at the head of Coire Cas, looking down the Upper Cas.
Fresh tracks on the M1, heading from the M1 SideTrack to Horizon Road.
| Coronation Wall offered fresh tracks on Sunday Morning.
Full width Ciste Fairway looking up.
| Bottom of Ciste Fairway narrowing, much more exposed to incoming Westerly weather lower down.
Looking over the Ptarmigan Bowl to the Terrain Park and T-bar.
| Still complete ride anywhere cover beyond the Ptarmigan Tow.
Looking up the Ciste T-bar and Bowl, which has excellent cover compared to the fenced areas.
| Making tracks for Coronation Wall in May.
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Overnight showers gave a covering of fresh snow for Sunday morning on CairnGorm Mountain, which meant a May morning with fresh tracks to be had on the Ptarmigan Ridge / Upper East Wall and for those seeking longer and steeper lines, Coronation Wall.
Cloud broke up somewhat to give some decent bright and sunny spells, before the resultant convection saw the cloud bubble up and some snow and hail showers come in near the end of the day. The final run down the White Lady did not fell as if we were approaching the middle third of May!
The fresh snow and inevitable rising spring temps when the sun came out made for steadily changing surface conditions through the day, both with time and altitude. The fresh snow became slow and sticky as it started to soften initially lower down, but late afternoon in the Top Basin. However lower down as skier traffic cut the soft fresh up into the spring snow base, surface conditions started to improve again.
This was very noticeable on the White Lady where it went through a brief sticky phase, before suddenly improving again and was great fun in soft spring snow bumps late afternoon.
Top to middle riding possible via the White Lady, M1 SideTrack then out Horizon Road to the Gunbarrel and for early intermediates upwards via the Traverse, 105 and Coire Cas.
See Saturday's Pix from the Slopes for more photos including more of the Terrain Park.