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The Gunbarrel is like a long 1/4pipe, good base but get wrong on the bottom third and an early bath awaits!
A skier stops to ponder the next pride threatening turn in the Cas Gunbarrel!
The new M1/Cas Link caught the snow pretty well, but the wind direction and narrow cover on the 105 has left a slightly annoying gap of a few yards! Maybe needs a couple of yards more fence.
Good base depth on the Upper Cas West of the Upline - best surface and sport on Saturday.
Boarders get ready at the top of the Ciste Tow as the Sun is about to rise from behind the Ptarmigan.
Bottom of the Fairway is narrow, but already has a good firm base. Lets hope it lasts.
Ptarmigan Traverse has good wide cover.
Looking down the Traverse into Coire Cas.
Early Season Sun on the Ciste Fairway! Narrows at the bottom, but both fencelines complete to the load area.
Looking through the Gunbarrel to Loch Morlich.
Upper White Lady has some nice snow, but broken at the bottom and only for experts.
Looking across the West Wall Poma to the Tor. Good depth of base already on the Poma track - could outlast the Ciste Tow track for a bit if we get a thaw.
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All week the forecasts predicted a storm, but Saturday dawned bright and clear with good sunny spells from clearing sky with light winds as CairnGorm Mountain officially kicked off the Scottish Season for 2007.
While the cover is not as extensive as last Saturday, the subsquent storms drove snow into the gullies and fence lines and with several further freeze/thaw cycles the big difference from this time last year is that on day one of the lift served season we already have a firm packed base in the places we need it most.
Top to Middle riding is available giving 1300ft of vertical, though the Gunbarrel and M1 should only be tackled by experts. The main action is in the Top Basin where the Ciste Fairway and Ptarmigan Runs are complete and both T-bars are operating, the Ptarmigan coming on about Lunchtime Saturday. Snow started firm, but loosened a bit with use and the Sun on it, some areas of granular spring snow. Best snow on the Upper Cas, but Gunbarrel is narrow, the Top leg of the Zig Zags can be used but walking is required to get back to the middle via this route.
Photos from Winterhighland and H11lly. Please send you photos to and remember to check the Public Reports for additional photos.