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Looking up Coire Cas which retains something of a base.
Ptarmigan Bowl is looking whiter, but the base is narrow.
Late afternoon the cloud cleared to give a perfect end to the day.
Mist is clearing, from the Top Station.
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A small sample of photos available in the forum and the Public Reports Section of Winterhighland for Wed 10th Jan. Early morning cloud gave some light snow showers which put down a pleasant fresh surface on the firm packed base in the Top Basin. Ciste and Ptarmigan tows were operating for snowsports and there were possibly more people out on the mountain today than at the weekend. A base, albeit broken in some places also remains on the Traverse and Upper Cas and the Cas track through the Gunbarrel and it would not take much snow for the Cas to re-open. Snow the mountain is hopefully going to get tonight!
Thanks to Winterhighland members Johan and AndrewR for today's photos. See Public Reports for more pix and if you have been out please send your photos to .