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Top of Fairway looking up the Ptarmigan Traverse. Lower Fairway narrow, reasonable width in the Bowl and Ptarmigan Traverse with no problem linking to the Bowl from Top Station.
| View down the M1 RaceTrack where despite an annoying break, a complete line exists by cutting outside then back into the fences through the various gaps.
School group getting to grips with the basics on the top of the Fairway.
| Today's caption competition!
Upper Coire Cas, nice crunchy spring snow, just need lots more.
| Looking down Coire Cas to Loch Morlich beyond.
Looking back up the Gunbarrel which is broken at the bottom but skiable to just below the M1 Poma turn off.
| Typical lifts closing evening sky looking back up the 'Gorm!
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After a slight further snow loss over the past couple of days colder temperatures returned during Thursday with a Summit Temperature of -4°c by mid-afternoon, this meant the remaining snow pack was firming up quickly up in the Top Basin, where the Piste Bashers have been working to improve the links between the runs / bowl and top Station.
Earlier very high winds meant the top tows were closed, but winds did lull for a time before starting to pick up again from the North West, with a couple of squally snow showers between good clear sunny spells. Excellent scrunchy spring snow on the Cas went someway to make up for the limited terrain esp. when the Sum Came out and most of the small number of people riding were sticking to the Cas Tow.
The Traverse has good cover and the 105 is in decent nick, but the wind was blowing up the Traverse, making the officially closed M1 RaceTrack the main route of choice to the Cas (an exposed band of rocks has created a break in between the fences half-way down, but this can easily be avoided by utilizing several gaps to cut in and out of the fences to get a decent complete line to the top of the Gunbarrel). Gunbarrel skiable to just below M1 load area.
Upper Lady, M1, Traverse, Cas, Gunbarrel, Lady Luck, Top Basin, top 2/3rds of the Ciste Gully, East Wall Gullies and parts of the West Wall all retain at least a partial base, but below 2700ft it's mostly starting from scratch. Photos from Winterhighland.