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Ptarmigan Bowl
Top of the Ptarmigan Tow.
New signage - with different lift numbers to confuse!
Rail in the Ptarmigan Bow. The funboxes were sitting by the tow hopefully about to get set up.
Looking down Coire Cas with Loch Morlich beyond.
Ciste Bowl is good on the steeper pitch but narrow on the approach to the lift crossing.
Skiers on the Ciste.
A perfect day weatherwise - now add more snow!
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A superb day weatherwise with largely blue sky and lots of sunshine so despite only limited terrain being on offer a great day to be in the Mountains. Top Basin was offering the best snow, the hardpacked refrozen snow loosened up to give a layer or spring snow on top, while the Cas remained firm and fast throughout the day. Cas Tow was a queue free zone so able to clock up a big mileage on it and a few rollers from the terrain and the hill-road of which people were throwing 180s on Saturday afternoon.
The Traverse is broken at the top, plus walking is required to get back to the mid-station so this has been keeping the Cas Tow quieter (Loading at top of Gunbarrel). A flat-down rail has been set up in the Ptarmigan â€' not for novices at rails this one, but the funboxes have been taken out and were sitting by the Ptarmigan Tow awaiting set-up â€' hopefully soon. Rollers on the fairway to through tricks of if your mad enough.
Photos from Winterhighland. If you have been out sliding please send us your photos to and remember to check the public reports for additional reports and photos.