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Heading for home at the end of Old Mugs Alley.
Corner of Mugs Alley, huge cover across the mid-mountain trails.
Passing the SSC Hut on Mugs Alley by top of the Cliffhanger.
Happy Valley and the Main Basin are one!
Looking across the Main Basin and tows to the Rock Garden.
Laying out a turn on the Flypaper.
Kenny making tracks for the Flypaper. Follow the Sun on Tuesday, check with patrol for info!
Short queue at the Main Basin T-bar, Wall and Cliffy ride straight on.
Looking up the lower leg of Mugs Alley from the Cliffhanger bottom station.
The Canyon is good fun with a mind boggling depth of snow in it!
Flypaper: one huge steep bowl of spring snow fun Mon. Measured 50.6degrees on main pitch!
Heading for Mugs Alley from the Plateau Poma, Wall beyond in great shape.
The Canyon is loaded to who knows what depth - incredible depth of snow.
This is why it's called the Spring Run...
Wall T-bar doing it's thing, looking over the mid-mountain.
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Displayed: Images 1 to 15 of 15
Glencoe was the place to be on Monday, prolonged spells of Sunshine and the forecast is looking very good for Tuesday too. Don't forget the suncream and shades, saw a few lobsters coming off the Access Chair at the end of play!
With a massive cover still on the main area beyond the Plateau, you can still pick lots of unusual lines between the main runs on both the upper and mid-mountain. Main Basin and Happy Valley are largely one and with the Haggis Trap still buried under the deep snow cover, the Main Basin is a wide motorway top to bottom, great for cranking out some big turns.
Happy Valley is in great shape too. On the other side of the top tows, the Spring Run has been creating smiles nearly as wide as the cover and the Flypaper and East Ridge were superb in the Sun on great spring snow on Monday. Check with patrol for the latest on this part of the mountain, snow is likely to skin over tonight before loosening in the Sun on Tuesday. You can still ski out to the Spring Run, Flypaper and East Ridge from the tows and return to the tows on snow.
Rannoch Glades is a completely different shape to normal such is the bulging snow cover and various options exist between Little Rannoch and the Rock Garden.
Mid mountain the Canyon and Wall are still loaded, Thrombosis gully is filled flat and it was very popular Monday with small spring snow bumps building. Mugs Alley is still very wide back to the Cliffy and Wall T-bar.
Plateau Poma up track is still fine for access to the main area, but the run is now gone. Old Mugs Alley (right most fork) will take you out by the Beginner Rope Tow and less than 5 minutes down the path to the Access Chair at the end of the day. Combat skiing the Poma run isn't recommended as the remaining snow is very rough due to snow farming for the Poma track.