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Looking up the Wall from the base of the T-bar.
View over the Canyon to the Cliffhanger - lots of off-piste lines doable below it.
The Wall like the rest of the mid-mountain runs is loaded.
Wall Crossover to the Canyon and Cliffhanger Chair - another snow shower coming?
Looking down on the Cliffhanger base - minus it's roof! All run outs from Mugs Alley loaded.
Top 2/3rds of Access Run decent, bottom 1/3rd combat skiing - but passable and people were lapping it.
Piste Bashers digging out the Main Basin Drive and still a few feet lower required!
Before the Piste Bashers started on the base of the T-bar, the snow on that bar is above what should be head height.
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Finally a weather window in what seems like an never ending sequence of storms. Inevitably a lot of pent up demand for a slide that's been building for weeks, not just the Christmas Holidays.
Lots of skiers chose to follow the snow and head West and with Nevis Range restricted to just the Alpha and Linnhe tows by the Top Station that made for an unusually busy day at Glencoe.
The extent and depth of cover on the mountain is quite simply exceptional for December, the mid-mountain is completely loaded and the work on digging out and fixing the Main Basin T-bar was continuing at nightfall. It is hoped that it will open at some point on Monday, providing no further problems arise in tonights storm.
Sunday saw a mixture of further snow showers and some bright / sunny spells. Some were chosing to lap the low level Access Run which was do-able, top 2/3rds OK, but combat riding at the bottom - but fairly easy granular snow. Monday should be significantly quieter, surface conditions will depend on how the overnight weather pans out, but overnight wind should ease for the morning.