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Snowy Owl Chair and Run - full width between the fences.
Looking down to beginner area which is in good shape.
Immaculately prepared Buzzard runs seen from the Snowy Owl Chair across the A939.
Grouse and Snowy Owl runs in great shape for early season turns.
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A fantastic Thursday at the Lecht and for the weekend there's been a top of snow during Friday with radar indicating 4-6" in the past 24 hours (updated Friday evening with more showers forecast tonight).
Almost all main runs are complete and all will be lift served with the possible exception of the Harrier Black on Saturday. Eagle, Osprey, Grouse, Kestral, Falcon and Buzzard Pomas, Snowy Owl Chairlift and beginner magic carpets and rope tow all scheduled.
Full width fence to fence groomers with machine groomed winter snow, perfect for easing into the new season. Some options outwith the fences but it is baseless so go with care off the groomers.
Thanks to 'SkiCadets' for the pix there are more in the Public Reports.