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Looking to the Wall from the Access Return, the Wall was catching a lot of windblown fresh.
Old Mugs Alley as wide as it can get. All options and links around the Plateau in great shape.
Plateau Runs all in great shape with the Poma uptrack well filled and flat as as easy going as it gets!
Working on building a park on the Coire Pollach Run.
Heavy drifting at times in the gustier spells kept the snow moving around the mountain, it was a day to explore to find the new stashes!
Great cover round the corner of Mugs Alley with various different lines, cut the corner with the Bunny Run or swing out wider to Rankin's Return for a gentler line.
Snow factory adding to the pile to ensure a good wide beginner area on snow even if its too wild on the mountain.
Small bumps on the Spring Run catching snow drifting in the wind, good fun but occasionally difficult to see the bumps through the drifting!
Ski Patrol hard at work in the Sunshine on the Spring Run!
Looking down the Access Run past the novice rope tow area which is in good shape for first timers.
Looking down on the triangle of Plateau runs / lifts from the foot of the Spring Run.
Rankins Return (in picture) and the Low Road were catching a lot of windblown snow in the morning.
OK, I got suckered in by the Red Access Run when I should have known better. Go to the Weasel Gully and walk back to the Carpark or take the Chair until more low level snow!
The East Ridge of Meall a' Bhuiridh centre seen across Loch Ba from the A82.
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Not as much snow as expected overnight, about half an inch, but it freshened things up and with heavy drifting was enough to form some lovely windblown stashes.
It was however a day of keeping having to look for them because as the wind waxed and waned the snow kept moving about and tomorrow the wind is forecast to come from pretty much the opposite direction so the best of the fresh will be somewhere different from today!
The Wall was catching a lot of snow and was a popular choice. The Spring Run has the beginnings of small bumps which was helping catch the passing snow, good fun if you don't mind the bumps but the drifting sometimes made it difficult to see what was going on at the surface!
Al runs have a good cover up on the mountain and everything connects together perfectly as half term approaches, so there are loads of options for all ability levels. The addition of the Coire Pollach Tow for the 2016 season has taken a bit of pressure of the Poma and Cliffhanger and really helped make Glencoe good for groups of mixed abilities.
The Coire Pollach Tow as it doesn't directly feed people back up the mountain wanting to lap from the top is thus a great quieter choice for early intermediates.
Don't try the Red Access Run, it looks very appealing but the bottom third was horrendous, dust on water ice today! If you don't want to download, head out wide on the Plateau for the Blue Access, or take the top of the Red, then cut skiers right on the red bike track and drop down Weasel Gully then its an easy hoof out the track to the top of the Carpark.