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Looking down the Fiacaill. Great snow on the Fiacaill Traverse, bit slabby then crusty off the Ridge Poma lower down.
Looking down from the top of Coire Can, better depth and more fresh on the boulder field side today.
Top Zig Zag is loaded (as is wrong side of fence) but bottom 2 are thinner. Chicken Gully was firm.
M1 RaceTrack, firm grippy base with some windblown fresh on top.
White Lady in good shape. Loosened pisted snow with fresh drifting in on top.
Looking up the Ciste Fairway. Was quick with a tailwind, but going up the Tow not so nice!
West Wall Poma didn't open with estimate of around lunchtime Friday to prep everything after last nights overnight storm.
Funicular heading for the tunnel. A good perspective on how much snow was at this point in 2014 and 2010 in particular.
Top of the WWP Ciste Fairway open, but the Bowl remained roped off despite the Ciste Town running?
Wide cover now across the Ptarmigan Bowl, so if the wind behaves lots of space for beginner classes over Half Term.
View over to the Zig Zags, M1 and Funicular beyond.
Going up the Fiacaill Ridge Poma.
View up the Ciste from the base.
Easily skiable to Carpark via the Carpark Runs, Daylodge Run also skiable Lower slopes have thin / warn and narrow areas.
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After a sudden weather blow up on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday dawned with a lot of prep working required from the heavy overnight drifting and blizzard conditions.
On the lower slopes there seems to have been a bit of everything weather wise and what looked very inviting over in the vicinity of Jeans Bowl turned out to be a mix of slabby and crusty snow!
There is top to Daylodge riding on offer, though there are some thin / worn patches on the open lower runs. Depending what falls / drifts tonight the ETA for opening the WWP on Friday is around lunchtime.