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Looking up the Canyon from the Cliffhanger, hopefully the coming storm spell will fill in the deeper gullies.
A fairly typical view on the upper slopes today, likely to be similar on Sunday.
Not yet enough snow for the Wall T-bar, so the Cliffhanger remains something of a bottleneck - hopefully wind and snow in the days ahead will fill the Wall Track to adequate depth.
Cliffhanger Chair and Mugs Alley.
Old Mugs Alley and the Coire Pollach Tow. Better visibility on the Plateau.
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After some bluebird days above an inversion during the week and a fantastic weekend last week, we were back to wind and something of a pea soup this Saturday. Visibility was very limited on the upper mountain, better on the Plateau.
More low cloud on Sunday and wind speeds forecast to be stronger, while Glencoe is less affected by SE winds as the direction veers through South to SW during Sunday the effects on the mountain become less predictable so could affect uplift. Please check the latest lift status in the morning.
Snow was firm to hard packed, quite slick in places with the best conditions on Happy Valley but the visibility meant many preferred to stick to the Plateau. Fluctuating temperatures under inversion conditions and fairly heavy ski traffic mean there is now a wide and compacted, but still not that deep base on the Plateau, but it's almost ski anywhere at this level and should freshen up through the week.
With considerable snowfall forecast and high winds hopefully the deeper mid-mountain gullies and the Wall T-bar will fill in allowing a full house of uplift to run when the weather eases as the Cliffhanger continues to be a bottleneck as the only mid lift, though the Coire Pollach means it's somewhat alleviated.