pix from the slopes // glencoe
Glencoe // Saturday 14th April 2018
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Still deep snow at the Top of the Access Chair and all Plateau Runs good which means excellent spring snowsports for all abilities.

The sun parasols maybe weren't required, but in the distance above is Creag Dubh Chute which was seeing action this afternoon.

Finally running out of snow around 1600ft, slightly below the level of lower track hairpin, 5 min hoof back to the track from here.

Still going below 1700ft....

The narrow bendy gully off the Eastern side of the Plateau leads onto a wide open snowfield that drops into a shallow gully - but each turn puts you a little further out from the base.

Heading off the Plateau on superb fast spring snow in what looks like a dead end at several points, but the snow is continuous for another 700 vertical feet.

Looking down the corner of Mugs Alley to the Plateau Poma.

Way out East on the Plateau well beyond Rankin's Return looking back to the Spring Run, managed 2000 vertical feet continuous descent from the top of the Main Basin T-bar!

Lots of different routs still possible from the Spring Run and Flypaper Bowl out onto Rankin's Return.

Andy at the top of the Spring Run, bumps beginning to build now. Great fun spring snow too.

Top of the Banked Slalom course what went down Thrombosis, a shaped course along the High Road under the Cliffy Crag and finished in the Canyon's Bumhole.

Etive Glades was a popular choice today with people lapping the full length to the foot of the Wall T-bar.

Looking up the Cafe fork of Old Mugs Alley, still wide cover here and Old Mugs Alley great for snowplough turners.

In the distance lots of options for those prepared to earn their turns, looking out from Etive Glades.

Old Mugs Alley remains in great shape with good granular spring snow, perfect for snow plough turners getting to grips with the lifts and longer greens.

Still deep cover on the Plateau Poma, hopefully it can survive the coming hairdryer next week!

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Despite a mild week all the runs are still in good shape on the mountain with extensive terrain options for every ability level. Glencoe is the best option at present for mixed ability groups and with soft granular spring snow it's a good time of year to try out those runs you've been wanting to all winter!

On the Plateau all the runs still have good depth and width of cover including the area by the beginner rope tow. Still lots of variations on approach to Rankin's Return possible which means full laps out to the Plateau Poma from the Spring Paper round the Flypaper Bowl and East Ridge are easily possible.

Etive Glades was proving particularly popular all day with quite a few variations to get back to the Wall T-bar for the full length of this run that spans the upper and mid mountain.

If bumps are your thing they are building now on the Spring Run, off the side onto the Spring Paper and into the Flypaper if you want steep spring snow without the bumps!

With loose granular snow still extending a considerable distance below the Top of the Access Chair the Creag Dhubh Chute was seeing action this afternoon. The Blue Access Run and Weasel Gully still seeing a fair bit of usage even though the walk is now getting longer as a couple of switch backs on the track now have to be walked.

The lowest you can get is further out and East of Weasel Gully coming off the far Eastern end of the Plateau where snow still extends down to 1600ft, from where a 4-5minute walk traverse brings you back onto the lower segment of track below the lowest hairpin. Or you could just download on the Access Chair, but that's missing out on some great spring snow turns to end the day!
Pix from the Slopes for the 2018 Season

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