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The Buzzard fence lines have a full cover of machine packed fresh snow.
Sun hits the newly pisted Buzzard from the Snowy Owl Run.
Snowy Owl Chairlift and beginner slopes.
The Buzzard Return run in superb shape for opening weekend.
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A larger selection of photos from opening weekend Saturday at the Lecht is available on Highland-Instinct.
Most main runs complete for the first full day of the 2008 season at the Lecht, but early season conditions exist due to lack of established base, thus some runs have thin and narrow areas, such as the Grouse and foot of Eagle 1.
However the runs that were upwind have loaded with snow and the Eagle 2 run and all Buzzard Runs are in fantastic shape for opening weekend. With full width cover of machine groomed snow between the fences and unpisted fresh outwith.
Buzzard opened mid-afternoon, but should be on the go earlier on Sunday. Ample good beginner areas.
Photos from Jamie, Mike and Gaz. Please send your photos to .