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Full width between the fences heading for the M1/Traverse Split. Traverse is loaded and 105 full width.
Trainer Poma and Ptarmigan Bowl from the Top of the Ciste T-bar. Excellent conditions for learning a new snowsport.
Looking up the Marquis Wells' Snowfield from the top of the Ptarmigan Ski Tow.
Inclined down-flat-down box in the terrain park adjacent to the Ptarmigan Tow.
Boxes and Rails beside the huge Kicker in the Ptarmigan Bowl. Kicker now has scaled take-offs from huge to suicidal!
Double Rain Rail is dwarfed by the massive kicker in the Ptarmigan Bowl. Rails a mix of novice ski to challenging gap jump rails suitable for experts.
Heading the Ptarmigan T-bar, spot the tow track snowfences? Complete moderate off-piste lines to skiers right of the Tow.
Wall ride/ Quarter Pipe in the Ptarmigan Bowl.
Looking up through the Terrain Park area, Kassboher working on setting more features.
Top Station from the Ptarmigan Traverse. All Top Basin Runs in great shape.
Looking round the rim of Sneachda from the Summit AWS Hut. Extensive snow cover on the Plateau, Point Five gully at right of shot.
Hitting the gap to flat rail at the top of the Terrain Park.
Ski in ski out accommodation with a view... looking out from a large snow hole outside the Top Station.
Sweet granular Spring Snow corduroy awaits weekend sliders on Coire Cas. Wet snow slide on the Headwall beyond.
Looking up the mid-section of Coire Cas from the top of the Gunbarrel.
Coire Cas Gunbarrel from the Cas Carpark. M1 still just about doable via Horizon Road out onto the Gunbarrel.
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A largely bright and sunny spring day, but a few short decidedly un-spring showers around in the early afternoon with snow/hail in the Top Basin.
All Top Basin Runs are in fantastic shape, though the snow is quite sticky in the Ptarmigan due to the fresh accumulations earlier the week. Ciste Bowl more granular snow and the best surface conditions have been on the Cas with loose fast granular spring snow.
The Piste Bashers and park crew have pulled out all the stops in the park area with 7 rails/boxes, a wall ride, various kickers, mini boarder cross above the Ptarmigan Traverse with various rollers, berms and small kickers and a larger banked course down through the Ciste Bowl.
Complete cover from the Trainer Tow across the bowl, so great conditions for first timers upwards with excellent nursery areas. Marquis Well snowfield is loaded and provides a route for tourers up to the Summit area.
Traverse, 105 and Upper Cas also in good shape. Gunbarrel slightly banked but in decent nick to the M1 load area, but below this it is becoming narrow, but easily skiable to the mid-station giving 1300ft of vertical descent.