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The cosmetic cover on the lower Lady has been going, but there was still a line down via the 'skirt' to the mid-station. Might be possible to hack your way to the M1.
Looking up to the Coire Cas Gunbarrel. Lower M1 RaceTrack to left, Chicken Gully to right of Gunbarrel. M1 RaceTrack in reasonable nick via the link fences and the Gunbarrel.
West Wall Poma Track is complete and pisted as are the M2 and OverYonder. Soft thawing fresh snow will refreeze tonight to give a base on the M2.
Face of the West Wall and upper Chair Run has a good base. Doable down the Poma line to the last tower of the Poma, hopefully the bottom will fill in the forecast snow.
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Increasing wind put the Funicular off before lunchtime. A small selection of photos from a trip to sort the webcams in the Ski Club Hut which went down early Thursday morning.
Coire Cas was still running mid-afternoon giving limited sport for those putting up with the blustery wind. Was dry while on CairnGorm this afternoon but there had been rain earlier in the day which coupled with the milder air had stripped much of the thin cosmetic cover revealing where there was more meaningful cover.
M2/OverYonder and the Fiacaill have been the gainers in this storm cycle and the soft thawing fresh snow of this afternoon will set up hard in colder temps to at last get a base going on the M2.
Top Basin Runs all have a good base and width, but these will probably not do to well out of the North winds so could be quite hard packed and scoured on Friday.
West Wall Poma track, OverYonder and M2 pisted and despite some thawing this route was complete.
See Wednesday's photos for pix of the Top Basin and upper Cas. Thursday's photos by Winterhighland.