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Snow Castle and kids piste art. Lot more people around than mid-week but no queues.
Boarder on the Ciste Tow, looking to the Top Station and Ptarmigan Restaurant.
Still good width of granular spring snow on the Upper Cas. Fast and non sticking, esp with Saturday's tail wind.
Heading down a narrowing Gunbarrel, OK to the M1 load area level, then very narrow/thin the last 50yards or so. Cas started loading at top of Gunbarrel early afternoon.
Reshaping the lip of one of the kicker's in the terrain park. Hits for novices to expert park riders around the Top Basin.
Looking over the wide cover in the Ptarmigan Bowl, wall ride over by the Ptarmigan Tow.
Heading for the Traverse from the Top Station.
There is still just a skiable line on the M1, exiting out via Horizon Road to the Cas. Some nice pockets of steeper spring snow.
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More overcast than on Friday, but it stayed dry on Saturday with some brighter spells. A strong South to South East wind gave a useful tail wind which combined with the loose granular spring snow on Coire Cas gave some fast carving.
Top Basin Runs remain in great shape with a very good cover of soft snow, this gives way to granular spring snow on the Traverse and the Cas. Traverse and 105 have good cover and the Upper Cas still retains a very respectable width of cover. Top two legs of the Zig Zags are complete for Gunbarrel avoidance.
Gunbarrel is skiable but the last 50-100yards is getting very ropey so the Cas Tow is now loading at the top of the Gunbarrel to give more space. Funicular is making mid stops up and down. Experts can still just find a line on the M1 RaceTrack, but it's very narrow at a couple of points. Best snow of the day reported on the West Wall for those prepared to hike out Overyonder and drop down to the Train or hoof it out to the Ciste Carpark and hitch a lift round.
Terrain Park in great shape and getting quite a bit of action. Rollers and berms in the Ciste Bowl were giving an extra hit with the tail wind! Photos by Winterhighland.