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The Funicular track enters the tunnel viewed from the old line of the White Lady.
M1 Race Track is skiable, but narrow and thin in bits, exit via Horizon Road to 105 for the best run.
Why it's called the White Lady! Weather closing in at the end of the day.
Skiers on the White Lady which is decent on the top half, but approach to M1 very thin.
White Lady Challengers for Monday.
M1 RaceTrack and Horizon Road from the Fiacaill Ridge.
Funicular underpass on the White Lady, good snow at the top.
Top leg of the Zig Zags from the Fiacaill Ridge.
The White Lady has decent cover at the top but narrows and thins out low down.
Ciste Fairway is loaded and in great shape, as are all Top Basin Runs.
Skiers on the Ciste T-bar, looking across the Ptarmigan Bowl.
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The third day of people undertaking the White Lady Challenge to raise funds for Disability Snowsports UK and the Cherished Uplift Fund through being sponsored to complete as many descents of the M1 Poma as possible.
Today's top score was 46 descents, around 48,300ft of vertical descent !! Six people achieved 'Everests'.
A colder and less settled day than Saturday was, with snow showers coming in. Top Basin runs are all in fantastic shape with machine packed fresh snow on a good base, ample areas for novices in the Ptarmigan Bowl.
Also up top the Terrain Park is in great shape with the biggest array of toys this season after the Comp at the weekend. Seven Rails/Boxes and a variety of kickers.
All Cas side mid-mountain runs are skiable, the Traverse, Coire Cas and Fiacaill being the best. Coire Cas is good shape with good width and the Zig Zags are available for those wanting to avoid the Cas Gunbarrel. White Lady and M1 are skiable, but both narrow and thin lower down so care is required. M1 RaceTrack is best done via the Horizon Road link to the Cas and using the Cas Gunbarrel to return to the Poma.
Photos by Winterhighland. Keep an eye on the forums for news of the amount raised during the White Lady Challenge.