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Coire Fionn fenced Red is in great shape. But only Caenlochan Poma to get you out there, so likely bottleneck on busy days.
Igloo at the bottom of the Fionn Pomas looking back up the Coire - fenced Red goes off screen to right.
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A couple of photos from Coire Fionn courtesy of 'jas' in the Public Reports.
Best cover is on Eastern aspects with full cover between the fences and some more extensive cover outwith them, particularly from the Cairnwell Race Track round Butchart's Coire. Western Aspects the cover is more limited, Northern Sunnyside run is full width, but the Southern options on the Chair side of the Poma are thin and worn - but all are passable.
Only the Caenlochan Poma to get up Meall Odhar and into Coire Fionn, so on busy days this will be a bottleneck. All Cairnwell side lifts are scheduled for the weekend including the Carn Aosda T-bar. Cairnwell Chair, Baddoch Chair and Plastic Slope Poma all scheduled to get you up from Carpark level.