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Looking down the Main Basin, firm grippy snow catching some windblown fresh on top.
A good summary of the day, Sunshine and sharpish showers - not quite April yet, but typical convective spring showers!
From way out wide on the Plateau it's possible to get 1000ft of vertical on sublime Spring Snow East of the Blue Access Run.
Mid mountain looking to the Rescue Station from top of the Wall T-bar.
Far East on the Plateau, out beyond the main line of the Blue Access Run, was worth the 5-10minute hoof back round to Carpark.
Below the Haggis Trap in the Main Basin, still a motorway for its full length.
Late afternoon snow showers picked up and there's been some heavy ones to base this evening.
Pretty funky rainbow on Rannoch Moor, it was incomplete because it was snowing higher up!
Top of the Wall T-bar, far below all the runouts from Old Mugs Alley and Mugs Alley still interconnect.
Believe it or not it's not because of the wind this mountain is called Meall a' Bhuiridh - Hill of the Roaring !
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Gradually got colder through the day firming up the snow pack on the upper mountain, with snow showers picking up in intensity later afternoon into the evening.
The vast majority of runs are open and the main natural snow fields and gullies are still in great shape on the Upper and Mid mountain.
Up top the Main Basin got firm but grippy as the temperature dropped and was catching enough windblown fresh to give pretty nice turns through the afternoon. Further out Rannoch Glades became quite icy and the Spring Run become rather hard packed particularly at the top.
With colder temperatures good edges will make more of the terrain more enjoyable! On Monday mid-mountain had nice crunchy quick granular spring snow, Plateau was a bit softer and both the Plateau and Low Road are narrow and thin in bits.
All the options on Mugs Alley are complete and still link together and to the Cliffy and Plateau Cafe. Canyon and Thrombosis are loaded with no sign of the Thrombosis gully. Still good lines under the Cliffy providing the snow doesn't get too firm.
Best turns of the day though required a bit of leg work contouring back round the base of the hill. From way out East on the Plateau there was 1000 vertical feet of simply sublime Spring Snow with a light covering of fresh down to just above the elevation of the top of the plantation, but East of the Blue Access Run. It's a rougher and slightly longer walk back than down the bike track, but it was worth every step today!