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The Zig Zags are starting to improve again with the machine made snow from the T40 fan guns and a wee natural top up.
Not a huge number on the hill, but with the train mid-stopping and no other tows, the Top Basin queues were long at times.
Snow making now in progress on and improving the Zig Zags.
Can return to the Daylodge via the Sideslip & Fiacaill Ridge, though gaining height is tricky without the Cas Tow running.
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Not really a day for taking photos on CairnGorm Mountain, but there are a few more in the Public Reports.
Not a huge number up for snowsports, but the queue for the Ciste T-bar was at times back to the West Wall Poma, though at other times it was much shorter as waves of ski school classes came and went.
Snow making is starting to improve the Zig Zags, but they were busier on Saturday with the Cas Tow not running today. Best conditions are in the Top Basin and on the Upper Cas where there is now several rails and a tyre jib in the Cas Shred.