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Skiers heading up for another run from just above the boardwalk.
Looking down the Ciste Gully from just below No 1 Gully.
Heading into the Ciste Gully proper one more time on fantastic granular spring snow.
Someone's set up a mini slalom course with marker poles at the top of the Ciste Gully!
New kicker take off cut out of the remaining terrain park mounds in the Ptarmigan Bowl.
Looking down the remaining snow field in the Ptarmigan Bowl.
West Wall Chairlift would be a spectacular down journey for tourists and an easier up trip for Solstice skiers!
Stairway to heaven(ly spring snow in the Ciste Gully) - heading up the 'Gorm via the Windy Ridge path (no wind)!
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Today was the Summer Solstice, 10.02am BST to be exact! So late this afternoon I took a wander up the Windy Ridge path to grab some post solstice turns in the Ciste Gully.
Saw a few people in the gully from below, others on the way up and some were just setting off from the Daylodge around 7pm. At this rate there might be bumps by Monday...
It was still almost the whole way up the Windy Ridge path and though some surrounding areas caught some sharp thundery showers, the 'Gorm stayed dry while I was up and it looked like a fine evening for those heading up later in the day.
If you push the limits the Ciste Gully is still a shade over 1km length and the vast majority of it is still in quite astonishing shape for June 21st. With the very still air the snow was excellent, crunchy fast near perfect spring snow. There are a couple of holes at the usual prone slightly steeper pitch above the fence over to the West Wall Poma, so bear in mind the snow is getting undercut from below. Please play safely, but it was definitely worth the hoof for a couple of laps today.
Roll on Season 2014... but was that the last time in the Ciste Gully this summer?