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Old Mugs Alley from top of Poma with a dusting of snow.
Newly refenced Old Mugs, fence now closer to gully and follows gully past Glencoe Ski Club Hut to Cliffy and Plateau Cafe.
Snow shower at the Summit on Wednesday.
Some small drifts in the Main Basin on the way up to the Summit.
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A couple of photos from the walk up to the Summit on Wednesday to put in new Anemometer parts and complete the switchover from mobile network to WiFi.
All the webcams on the mountain at Glencoe are now linked together with WiFi to an ADSL access point, and there are now several open Access Points on the mountain in the vicinity of the Top of the Access and at the foot of the Main Basin T-bar.
This work has been carried out to use the best potential internet access points for both our CairnGorm and Glencoe webcams to provide the most robust service possible. Our CairnGorm SSC cams are now connected to the internet over Three's HSDPA network.
There are also some pictures of the new fencing on Old Mugs Alley. This has been completely rebuilt this autumn, it's buttressed and using railway sleepers for tensioning strainers. The alignment has changed slightly too, to follow the edge of a natural moraine to increase gully snow storage and the line follows the natural gully out past the Glencoe Ski Club Hut to the Cliffhanger Chair and Plateau Cafe. The largest and most prominent rocks have also been removed and the lower section would only need a matter of inches of snow to be passable.